LETS Trading at One Planet Market
by Sue Andrews
A reminder that its market day this Saturday (15 Nov) from 9am-Noon at Payneham Community Centre, 374 Payneham Road Payneham (Public transport: Stop 13 Payneham road)
Do let me know if you plan to come along and what you’ll be bringing (email me). I love raising vegie seedlings and this is what I have at the moment:
Tromboncini – this is a marvellous vigorous vine we grew last year from seed exclusive to Diggers. The fruit is like zucchini and can grow up to 1.5m!; Capsicum – likes the hot weather; Warrigal (or NZ) Spinach easy to grow ground cover, long lived perennial substitute for spinach (cook to remove oxalates); Pumpkin, butternut; Amaranth lovely edible red leaves (cook first) and nutritious tiny seed eaten for centuries all over the world, but I just grow it as an ornamental and shade plant; Kangaroo apple is a medium sized shrub with violet flowers turning to non-edible red berries. I grow it as a shade tree; Rocket herb with a peppery flavour; Tomatoes (Tommy toe past winner of Diggers taste test, and Green Grape which was the the winner in this year’s taste test); Cucumber Lebanese; Tuscan Kale – the dark green leaves are rich in antioxidants; Kale red Russian; Silverbeet bright lights; Spinach red malaba, a heat loving highly decorative screening plant with twining red stems and succulent leaves for stir fries; and Iresine is a cottage garden ornamental, lovely deep pink leaves and stems.
I’ll also be taking curry leaves, medium grain white rice and some cards, bookmarks, etc. featuring Symba (who is Lisa’s Siamese cat). Its sometimes difficult to have space in our car for everything, so if you are able to let me know which varieties you may be interested in that would be a big help.
Pauline always brings all sorts of interesting herbs and unusual vegies.
New members are especially welcome. Come to the far end of the hall and you’ll see all the LETS tables. Make yourself known to any of us and we’ll show you the ropes. Don’t forget to wear your ID badge or collect it if you don’t have one. LETS stall hire is free and allocated on a first come – first served basis. Come early to be sure of a space.
The market is run by Sustainable Communities, so as well as our LETS stalls there are other attractions :
- Local produce sold by the growers for cash
- Seed savers
- Hairdresser Trish
- Swap and share where you can swap your produce
- Morning tea centre where you can have a chat over a cuppa and cake
- Freecycle where pre-loved goods are brought and given away.
- Nicholas from the Rare Fruit Society usually has a stall outside (fruit trees, etc.)
Usually we have a speaker but this time at 10 am it’s a video screening of Reasons for Hope and a discussion to show that Australians want climate change.
Happy Trading!
Note: Non LETS members pay in $$$s at the LETS stalls, but why not register with CES and you’ll be able to save your cash and pay in units!