A beautiful community garden in the city
On Tuesday I visited Walyo Yerta, the young and lush new community garden behind Veale Gardens on South Terrace near Morphett Street. Raised garden beds using the recycled plastic product from Advanced Plastic Recycling in lovely shapes with a new teepee for the beans to climb. After four months gardeners are harvesting vegetables and herbs sufficient to make a delicious soup. The secret is the use of Bokashi to make a really fertile soil.
There are no fences and people are invited to do a little gardening and take a little produce. Mij met a man sitting on the tool box apologising that he was smoking and saying the energy he gets from being among these food plants is wonderful. He had a couple of leaves of coriander in his hand and Mij picked him a bunch.
Walyo Yerta is a beautiful place and people from all walks of life are gathering there to enjoy life and growing food together. You can visit on the last Sunday of the month for morning tea or call Mij on 8212 0078 or 0405 086 533. Google Walyo Yerta and you can read more on their blog. Congratulations to the community gardeners of the City of Adelaide for a wonderful place of life and hope.