Essential Edibles Urban Orchard
We meet on the first Sunday of the month, rain or shine at Joslin Reserve, between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue, Joslin. We gather from 9am to chat and set out our produce and swap stories from the garden and catch up on news from our varied lives. If we are inspired, there may even be coffee and morning tea.
At 10am we ‘launch’ the swap and share. If there are only a few of us (and if it is cold and rainy as it was in February) we can be gone by 10:05! So be prompt if you would like to be part of our Urban Orchard event. We are small but trying to grow our membership.
Remember, it is about reducing food miles and waste and also about generosity and strengthening community. We share and swap any excess from our gardening adventures, including fresh produce, preserves, seeds, flowers. If you are not growing anything at present, you are still welcome. There is usually enough to go around and some people even bring music or local knowledge to share.
Join us if you can and please spread the word among any you know in the local area – next Essential Edibles will be on Sunday 1 April 2012.
We are also on Facebook now if you are so inclined. Contact Lisa with any questions : 8132 1717