One Planet Market – a great start
Our first One Planet Market was a great success with over 200 people coming through to look, to swap, to trade with LETS and to purchase local produce. The Morning Tea Centre provided the opportunity we had hoped with people sitting to chat and catch up with others they hadn’t seen for a while.
We have decided on a couple of changes for our next market on Saturday 19 March. There will be two tables each for Local Produce for sale and for Swap and Share – Urban Orchard. Produce kept arriving for sale and didn’t last long. Lots of delicious fruit – peaches, plums, apples, pears and figs. Some people brought it packaged and properly labelled. Others were learning what was needed. Similarly Swap and Share had lovely produce and people were astonished that it was FREE! Some made donations as they left. Produce will be more prominent next time. There was a similar response at the free Native Plant stall.
Every one said it was great with good and friendly atmosphere.
So come to the next One Planet Market on Saturday 19 March from 9am to 12 noon at Payneham Community Centre (corner Payneham Road and Arthur Street),
One Planet Market story: On Friday evening a young lass rang me and said ‘I’m ringing for my Mum. We have lots of peaches and plums. We would like to bring them to your market. What do we need to do?’ I explained to package them and put labels with price, locality and phone number. They arrived confidently with boxes neatly packaged and labelled. The peaches and plums were beautiful and sold quickly. They went home with $45.
Contact Beth for more information on