Unconventional gas exploration and mining in SA
With exploration for Unconventional Gas and Oil is now occurring in South Australia Community Action for Sustainability (a Community Group of Sustainable Communities SA) will be holding a series of presentation and a film Unconventional Gas Exploration and Mining. Everyone is welcome.
7.30pm Tues 29 Oct at Kingston Football Clubrooms
7.30pm Wed 30 Oct at the Dress Circle, Main Corner, 1 Bay Road, Mount Gambier
Doors open at 7pm
- Dr Gavin Mudd, Senior Lecturer (Environmental Engineering) from the Faculty of Engineering at Monash University, Melbourne will discuss the potential impacts of unconventional gas exploration and mining on our water aquifers.
- Mr Brian March, spokesman for Eyre Peninsula Community Mine To Port Consultative Committee will talk about issues local residents are facing as the result of proposed iron ore mining in the Eyre Peninsula.
7.30pm Fri 8 November at the Dress Circle, Main Corner, 1 Bay Road, Mount Gambier – Please enter through Institute Building, Leadlight room entrance. Doors open at 7pm
CINEMA CAS Film Fractured Country: An Unconventional Invasion (38min/ Australia/ directed by Brendan Shoebridge/ Trailer at Lock the Gate).
Plus special guest speaker:
- Professor David Shearman will talk on Potential Health Impacts of Unconventional Gas Projects. David is Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of Adelaide South Australia and formerly Head of the Department of Medicine Royal Adelaide Hospital. He is Honorary Secretary of Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA) and was a founding member. He has written many books including Green or Gone, health, ecology, plagues, greed and our future, The Climate Change Challenge and the Failure of Democracy and Climate Change Litigation.
Enquiries – Sandra Young 8739 3245, Jack England 8767 5071, Anne Daw 0435 030 998
More information on Unconventional Gas Exploration and Mining:
- in Otway Basin of the Limestone Coast – What does this exploration and mining for Shale Gas and Tight Gas involve? See this Vimeo presentations (2012) by Professor Tony Ingraffea USA – http://vimeo.com/39707060 and http://vimeo.com/39706332 and http://vimeo.com/39705754
- Where in SA are the Unconventional Gas Projects? Get the Roadmap to Unconventional Gas Projects in SA obtained from the Dept of Mines for free contact: DMITRE.petroleum@sa.gov.au and ask for the Roadmap to Unconventional Gas Projects in SA. The Roadmap outlines potential unconventional gas projects such as shale and tight gas and this includes projects which require fracking.
- Most of the South East is now under exploration license for Unconventional Gas and Oil. For a map of Exploration areas go to page 34 of SA Earth Resources Book Holders of Petroleum and Geothermal tenements June 2013.
- PIRSA Reports on Petroleum Exploration Licenses (PEL) held in Otway Basin – SE