Unley Community Orchard Planting Day
Peter Croft, member of Unley-Parkside SCSA community group, writes:
The planting at Morrie Harrell Reserve will be a special day. About 70 fruit and nut trees – various varieties of stone, citrus, pome and nut trees – to replace a dozen old poplars that were at the end of their life. About 5 – 6 from the Unley Sustainable Communities Groups will be there with spades to help, plus others we hope!
The Morrie Harrell Reserve Orchard, initiated by Unley Council, ties in with the Community Orchard proposal by the Unley Sustainable Communities Groups which place emphasis on planting in Council’s parks. Around 450 trees over 20 parks in three to four years is the goal. Unley Sustainable Communities Groups are hopeful that their proposal will get to a full council in the next couple of months. In the meantime they have started to define more exactly where the plantings could go, and have been using Google Earth maps and marking them up.
If you are free on 4 August and in the neighbourhood drop by and help plant a tree…