Clothes swapping
Everybody likes getting new clothes and fashion accessories, but buying new items all the time can be hard on the budget, as well as having an environmental impact. Clothes Swaps aim to help everyone get new clothes without it costing the earth.
In conjunction with the One Planet Market, Sustainable Communities SA will run clothes swaps at Payneham Community Centre, Payneham Road from 10am to 12pm on
- Saturday 15 Feb 2014
- Saturday 15 March 2014
- Saturday 17 May 2014
- Saturday 19 July 2014
- Saturday 20 September 2014
- Saturday 15 November 2014
This is an opportunity for people to exchange clothing they may no longer need or want, instead of throwing them away. Participants exchange their unwanted clothes and accessories for pre‐loved clothes that have been brought by other participants.
‘I recently found out to produce one pair of jeans takes about 6000 L of water and over 37.7 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. It will generally also involve the use of numerous chemical inputs in the form of pesticides, fertilisers, bleach, dyes and fabric finishers. So if it is still in good condition don’t send it to land fill give it away to someone else,’ says Debbie Saegenschnitter, one of the organisers of the swaps.
In addition to saving you money, giving preloved goods another life and choosing something old over something new saves resources, diverts materials from landfill and reduces carbon dioxide emissions.