Keeping our members informed and involved
It is time for membership renewal of Sustainable Communities. All members have received a request to renew their membership. Thanks to all who have responded already. We will send a friendly reminder to those who have not yet replied. Memberships run from 1 May to 30 April. The details about how to renew are here.
Please remember to put the Annual General Meeting in your diary or calendar – 7.30pm, Thursday 26 May 2011 at Payneham Community Centre. We are keen to hear from people who are interested in joining our committee. It consists of a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and up to 7 general members all of whom volunteer for a portfolio. We are particularly seeking a secretary, and 3 general members. Potential portfolio areas are One Planet Market liaison, membership secretary and events coordinator. The formalities of the evening will be brief with some informative entertainment to follow.
Finally – don’t forget to come along to the next One Planet Market on Saturday 16 April!