Localisation in all aspects of our lives
by Beth Mylius
Localisation in all aspects of our lives was reinforced as essential at the Economics of Happiness Conference in Byron Bay in March. The discussions over two and half days endorsed the activities that we are involved with and emphasised the need to focus on whatever local activity we can concerning local food production and exchange, using and investing in local business, local transport, influencing our local councils and building community in whatever way we can including singing together.
The range of projects being undertaken by Sustainable Communities members and Community Groups is extremely important in developing the New Economy discussed at the Economics of Happiness Conference. In five plenaries and four sets of 6 workshops people from Australia, Nigeria, India, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Colombia, USA, Canada and UK spoke about the work they are doing.
Many presenters are world renowned in their fields.The major areas discussed were the localisation of our economies, our food production, education and also our our own identity and relationship with people and nature.
We can be pleased with what we are doing and we must continue our various activities with enjoyment. We will be encouraged and our movement strengthened with a network of information about the range of actions and changing lifestyles that we are all undertaking.