Making older homes more sustainable
Love your old home? Wish it was more eco-friendly? Discover ways to adapt your home to make it more economical, sustainable as well as comfortable. Find out tips and retro-fit techniques.
An illustrated presentation, Adapting the older Australian home will be given by engineer Andrew Marsh, specialist in solar thermal design and energy conservation, author of the popular handbook Sustainability and the old Australian house.
Sunday 2 June 2013 2.30pm – 4pm
at Mitcham Cultural Village, 103 Princes Road, Mitcham 5062
Including questions, informal discussion and afternoon tea
Entry by gold coin donation
Hosted by Sustainable Communities SA, supported by City of Mitcham and Adelaide & Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board.
Bookings and enquiries to Jo 0403 913 719,
Sustainability begins with us; our home is the place to start!