OOOOBY stall at Sevenhill markets
The Transition Communities North Mount Lofty Ranges (TCNMLR) Group is associated with Sustainable Communities SA. After a successful series of film nights in four centres covering four local government areas there is an enthusiastic group of members.
Their first activity is to have an OOOOBY (Out Of Our Own BackYard) Stall at the Seven Hill Markets. It is organised by EAGER (Enthusiastic Able Generous Encouraging and Responsible) OOOOBY facilitators. Members bring produce from their gardens to sell and the photo below shows the stall last Saturday. There was all kinds of produce including herbs, tomato seedlings, spinach, broad beans, garlic and pickled olives. And there were lots of people milling around finding out about TCNMLR and Sustainable Communities South Australia. Our pinboard and brochures were there too as there are always people travelling through from Adelaide.
This market is held on the last Saturday of the month (although the next one will be on 18 December, not Christmas Day). There are many stalls with produce from local people. Amanda who has run the market for five years is delighted and says that this is the kind of thing she wanted to see happening. See you there sometime as I sell Redfeather walnuts (in season), olive oil and olive oil soap all grown, harvested with my help and processed in the Clare Valley.