Planning for 2012

Our workshop on Wednesday 30 November 2011 is an important event. We are planning the skills development and networking program for 2012.

Sustainable Communities has received funding for Natasha Davis from Sustainable Focus to assist us throughout 2012 – and she will facilitate the planning workshop. The workshop will assist us to identify our strengths and areas we would like to develop further – as facilitators and in our groups. We will also share examples of interesting activities community groups have undertaken this year.

Every Community Group is invited to have two people at the workshop and we suggest the facilitator and one other person. We hope that your Community Group will participate with your requests as well as offering your ideas. We are looking forward to this opportunity for planning together the ways in which we can assist all the Community Groups of Sustainable Communities to move forward.

The workshop will be held at Payneham Community Centre, 374 Payneham Road, Payneham  starting at 6pm and finishing at 8.45pm. There will be a shared meal during the program so please bring a plate of finger food.

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