Electric bikes – a great way to travel!
Meredith and Geoff are enthusiastic about the Urban Mover bikes that they purchased recently from a local supplier.
The control system is fully automatic. The motor is in the rear wheel and the battery is sealed and leak proof. It is not possible to use the bike as a fully electric powered machine. You must pedal to get power. The six speed gear system is smooth. By using the gears you can get up quite steep inclines with minimal effort. Meredith and Geoff have found that the bike has a range under power of about 20km, depending on how much the electric motor is used. The website www.urbanmover.com has the full technical details. Meredith has been able to include her bike under her House and Contents Insurance policy with RAA at no extra cost.
The vendors are electrically-trained and capable of providing back up service to the electrics if required.
Meredith and Geoff would be happy to discuss the bikes.
They can be contacted on mkaesehagen1@internode.on.net and geoffclark37@internode.on.net.