COP26 – 2021 United Nations climate change conference

COP26 is the 2021 United Nations climate change conference. It will be held from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in Glasgow.

For nearly three decades the UN has been bringing together almost every country on earth for global climate summits – called COPs – which stands for ‘Conference of the Parties’. Over that time climate change has gone from being a fringe issue to a global priority. This year will be the 26th annual summit – giving it the name COP26.

The goals of COP26 are to:

  1. Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach
  2. Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats
  3. Mobilise finance
  4. Work together to deliver

Let your Federal Member of Parliament know that you expect Australia to commit to moving rapidly to a low carbon economy.

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