Domestic rubbish collection – reducing waste
by Ashley Campbell
Q. What is better for our environment?
(a) Putting a rubbish bin out for collection every week
(b) Only putting a rubbish bin out when it is full.
A. I guess most SCSA members will say (b). I also say (b) because accelerating a vehicle, especially one with a big load, uses lot of energy. The less times the rubbish truck stops in a street, the better.
Some people will say garbage smells too much if left in the bin too long. This is another good reason to stop putting any organic matter in with rubbish.
Can any member match Ian Modistach’s figure of only 240 litres (equivalent to one of the bins pictured below) of domestic rubbish in over 2 years?*
I think it would be great if Councils and/or Zero Waste SA has random spot prices for households who haven’t put their bin out for garbage collection.
* that was in the late 1990s and included some rubbish for other people too!