Recycling update from East Waste
One Planet Market’s workshop on 16 March 2019 was provided by Megan Bekesi, Education and Promotions Coordinator of East Waste.
East Waste collect waste and recycling materials for seven Member Councils. Megan developed the Why waste it campaign and Which Bin website to educate people about reducing waste and to encourage recycling. The message is Avoid, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Compost, indicating that we need to value all the materials in our purchases, and not see them as waste to be discarded. These materials can be reused or go towards making new items.
Which Bin website – – provides more details about which bin to use, and answers to other questions of hard to recycle items.
Megan explained ways to avoid, reduce and reuse materials before recycling. Many of us are already doing these things and should encourage others to do the same. She mentioned the SA Government’s recent discussion papers on banning single use plastic, adding wine and other bottles to our SA deposit scheme, and banning plastic bags in supermarkets.
East Waste are in a tendering process to find a new provider of recycling services. After cancelling their contract with SKM Recycling last year, Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority stepped in to fill the gap temporarily until a new contract is signed. NAWMA have made a commitment to recycling all materials in Australia by 2020. They know overseas solutions are not the best.
Megan also encouraged us to buy back recycled products to help close the loop on recycling. She mentioned the products that Replas are making out of our recycled plastics such as bench seats, boardwalks and other outdoor furniture. Examples of seating and tables are installed outside the Payneham Community Centre, where One Planet Market is held.